
Reckless Deck PSYCHE

Created by Clark Huggins

PSYCHE is the idea-generating card deck that takes you on a deep dive into your character's MIND. If you're a writer, role playing gamer, or artist-storyteller, this interlocking deck series blasts through your creative blocks, and puts you on the fast track to creating active, complex, "can't take my eyes off them" characters. Its 8 unique categories target the character-building cornerstones professional authors and actors turn to for the biggest creative payoff. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, PSYCHE is the creativity-supercharging prompt system for characters for any genre or time period.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dispelling Passport Tier Mysteries!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 09:28:10 PM

Hi Friends!
   This campaign continues to ROCKET along! Really, you guys are killin' it. Thanks for getting on board.
   I definitely see people are confused about the Passport Tier, in the comments section - what totally it contains, and when and if it's changing or going away. Let's drill down and answer those questions, shall we?

  •  The PDF.  The Passport Tier will include access to the downloadable PDF version of the Core Set, and the Epic Fantasy Companion.
  •  The Current Price. The current price for the Passport Tier is $199, not $200.
  •  The Core Set. It comes with one copy of the Core Set (obviously.)
  •  The Companion Decks. It comes with all unlocked Companion Decks, both current and still to come.
  •  The Mini Companions. It comes with all of these, too, both current and still to come.
  • The Anthology. It comes with a copy of the Anthology. Have you started your story contest entry yet?
  •  Coins. It comes with ONE Protagonist/Antagonist Coin, in your choice of 3 colors/finishes. It also comes with ONE of each of the other Genre Series coins we unlock, in your choice of 3 colors/finishes. I will make sure there is an option in Backerkit for Passport Tier backers to get a special price on adding on coins in the other 2 colors. 
  •  Playmats. It comes with ONE playmat, in the design of your choice. IMPORTANT UPDATE ABOUT THE PLAYMATS: we just unlocked a stretch goal that allows me to requisition EIGHT NEW ART IMAGES from various artists for the new custom art category dividers. I STRONGLY SUSPECT that by the time we get to Backerkit, there will be new playmat design options. I will make sure there is an option in Backerkit for Passport Tier holders for getting 2 more mats at the existing 3-mat combo price ($28 apiece vs the regular $35) AND, an all-playmats price for getting all the playmats we end up offering, should you desire that option. 
  •  Hold Everything Box. It comes with ONE Deluxe Box in your choice of design. Same goes for the boxes - we now have 8 new pieces of art coming. I expect the designs on the boxes will change given the new influx of art. All final desigs will be on display in Backerkit.
  • Dividers. All the Core Sets & Companions now come with category Dividers. The Passport Tier will also come with ONE add on set of custom art dividers as well.
The 8 Categories of PSYCHE

  The Passport Tier Going Forward

 As I said in the pledge description from the outset of the campaign, the $199 Passport Tier will not last forever. Those of you who backed it early were betting on our future success, and in return, we got a subtantial pledge that helped us meet our funding goal and beyond. Now, nine days into the campaign, the retail value of those Passport Tiers is a whopping $335. And that's not counting stretch goals that haven't unlocked yet! And so, on Monday morning, September 28th, at 10am EST, the $199 Passport Tier is getting retired, and will be re-opened as a new Pledge tier at $299. It will inlcude all the same stuff, and enable new backers to get all the same current and future unlocked stretch goals. If you're already a Passport Tier backer, does this affect your purchase at all? No way! You bought in early, & you get to reap the rewards. So that means just over 4 more days to the the Passport Tier at $199!

  • If you're thinking of trading up from a lower pledge tier, NOW IS THE TIME.
  • If you want an additional Passport Tier as an add on, DO IT NOW. Add the $199 to your pledge, as shoot me a message here on Kickstarter saying that's what those funds are for. It won't be available as an add on in Backerkit at this price.  
  • If you have friends you think might want the Passport Tier, or know any lurkers who are planning on backing but haven't gotten around to it, PLEASE TELL THEM TO SHAKE IT SHAKE IT. Now is the time for them to make their move. We will advertise this change over the weekend, becasue I want everyone who wants a Passport Tier at this price to be able to take advantage. 

Thanks for bearing with me on a very info-dump update! Any questions, just leave it in the comments, or message me here on Kickstarter!



Big weekend, and a BIG surprise!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 09:25:29 PM

 Hello, Kickstarter friends!
 HOLY WEEKEND. SO MUCH to discuss.
 The most important thing to talk about is this:

Friendly Shipping to AU, CA, EU, & US

  This is something I've wanted to be able to offer since the first RD Kickstarter in 2017. The PSYCHE Kickstarter now officially offers Friendly Shipping to Australia, Canada, The EU, and to US backers. I'm sorry this is coming to you in the first week of the campaign, instead of having been sorted before we launched. Better options for you guys have been presented to me since the launch, and so, I'm switching gears. Here is this new (& I'm hoping significantly improved) shipping info. This news is all very "boots on the ground" - but I'm determined that you guys outside the US will get this. And let me tell you, it is every bit the ROILING SNAKE PIT of spreadsheet treachery it sounds like.  But I WILL NOT BE DISSUADED. Friendly Shipping to Australia, Canada, the EU, and the US is absolutely happening.  I will have shipping estimates for you per region as soon as I can have them. Please keep in mind that these estimates will be based on rates today, as opposed to 10 months from now, so some changes are to be expected. But I will give you the best information available regarding your potential shipping costs.

A Free Gift for Backers!

art by M. Wayne Miller @m.waynemiller

Mid-evening late last night, we crossed a threshold - 1,000 backers! This is a big deal. And for that, Nerses and I both want to give you something freaking cool to celebrate the milestone with us! And so, the VIKINGS Mini Companion (the first of the Mini Companion series we announced) is now FREE for every backer at the Core Set Level and above. Just like that - BOOM. It's added to your pledge. Nerses and I want to offer our sincere thanks for betting on our success before we even hit our funding goal, and for continuing to support the project and drive this campaign forward.

There’s more stuff to talk about, obviously - but that’s more than enough for one update. Talk to you soon!

Warm Regards,


PDF news, and a new Epic Fantasy Companion video
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 12:25:45 AM

Hi everyone!

As usual we have a backlog of things to talk about! But the first thing I want to share with you is a special video clip we created when we were shooting the main video for the campaign. It's a different character creation walkthrough, but this one uses the Epic Fantasy Companion Deck to make a character for a fantasy RPG! We’ll be adding it to the main Kickstarter body, but I wanted you all to get a special look at it first.

Yes to the pdf!

I want you to know that I’ve heard all of your requests for a PDF version of this. The short answer is YES, TOTALLY! Nerses and I have had a chance to have a little huddle, and we are MORE THAN HAPPY to offer an early delivery PDF of the Core Set, added to all pledges at the $35 Core Set level and above.

And, for gamer purposes, We’ll do the same for the Epic Fantasy Companion Deck for all Passport Tier backers, and anyone who purchases it as an add on. We will address laying out these PDF versions after all our files for the campaign are completed and uploaded to the printer, which we’re hoping will be in March at some point. So the PDF versions of the Core Set and the Epic Fantasy Companion should be available sometime in April. Please don’t forget that there is currently a 54 card preview version of PSYCHE available right now for free on our website. It's a mix of cards from the Core Set, and every Companion Deck.

Stretch Goals

Wow, the stretch goals you guys have opened! Here’s a closer look at what’s become available:

Category Dividers

These are the vinyl/plastic category dividers. Each one has a hi-res version of the corresponding category's card art without any text blocking the design. These will be coming included in every Core set, and I think every Companion Deck as well -but I have to find out more about the pricing before I can fully commit to that statement, however.

Playmat with Dave Palumbo's art
Playmat with Vanessa Lemen's art
Playmat with my art

And these are the preliminary designs for the playmats! I LOVE how these are looking. Everyone in the passport tier with get their choice of one of these, and they’ll be available as add ons for $35 each, or all three for $85.

You guys are closing in fast on the Hold Everything Box! Something tells me we’ll get there in the next couple of hours, so stay tuned!

Thanks again for being the amazing backers that you are, and for keeping up with all the new developments!

And I'll have Protagonist/Antagonist coin art to show you soon, I SWEAR.



Mini Companions & the Coin Series!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 08:44:33 PM

art by Vanessa Lemen @vanessalemen

Hi all! 

Another awesome, eventful day on the PSYCHE Kickstarter!

We've hit upon 2 new themes in our stretch goals, and I wanted to bring them into closer view for you all.

Enter the Mini Companions!

There's a new delivery system on the board, and its the Mini Companion. Designed to be 60 cards (15 of each of the Companion's 4 categories: Occupations, Secrets, Formative Events, Inciting Incidents), these allow us the flexibility to for giving you guys extremely cool - and to a degree, experimental - content. Meaning, we're not committed to having to fill out what are now 200 CARD SETS. 60 card sets (15 cards for 4 categories) allow us to dip in and out of fascinating little genre "tide pools" without having to come up with 50 cards for each category. We're introducing the Mini-Companions with VIKINGS.

Art by M. Wayne Miller @m.waynemiller

Nerses and I have a working list of what might make a great Mini Companion - but we're open to ideas! If you've got a super cool little genre cut-de-sac that you love, speak up!

The Genre Coin Series

Things started 3 years ago with the Good & Evil Coin. Then, as part of our base campaign, we're bringing you the new Protagonist/Antagonist Coin. But this new stretch goal introduces a pair of coins based in the various genres of Reckless Deck and PSYCHE. I'll be doing the original art for all the new coins we open up, and each of them will be available in all 3 finishes: Antiqued Gold, Antiqued Silver, and Antiqued Copper. 

Turns out I have a thing for cool fantasy coins. Maybe its the actor in me, and my love of cool props. Or maybe its the part of me that still thinks running around the neighborhood with a towel around your neck pretending to be Batman is a good idea. These COVID days have only sunk me further into my interests and hobbies, and so the thought of getting to do a whole series of genre-baed coins for this Kickstarter seemed like a fantastically fun idea. Besides, I need more. 

My personal collection of pretend money. You know, for the End Times.

Dont judge me. We'll talk again this weekend, for sure!



STUNNING opening day (and a half)!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 01:15:19 AM

art by Dave Palumbo; Instagram @dvpalumbo

Hello, Amazing Backers!

  It's my very first Project Update for this, and already, I owe you an apology. SO SORRY that it's taken this long for me to send out a celebratory email! I've literally been working on this email for the entire day, and new, great things keep happening for the campaign that keep pulling me away.


SECUNDUS.  A giant, heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who showed up FRONT & CENTER and backed this thing on its first day (& a half). I have to tell you personally that you managed to make a full year of dodging this-and-that "here's money in your pocket now" projects - and a full COVID summer spent hammering at this thing full bore - feel validated in literally ONE DAY. And so, for that I personally thank you with all my heart.

  I already have SO MUCH to tell you that I have to split this into more than one project update. First, CONGRATULATIONS (and with that also, another thank you) for unlocking THREE stretch goals in THE FIRST 24 HOURS!! This was definitely above and beyond expecations. 

GAMERS: I've been talking with you  for the past 3 years at shows and conventions, & hearing how much existing Reckless Deck has aided your characters and campaigns. And, I've heard your desire for something that went straight at the heart of character development!  Valar Morghulis, gamers! The first stretch goal, the Epic Fantasy Companion Deck, was both a) first in line, and b) easy to get to as a way to say thank you for including Reckless Deck in your gaming process, and for continuing to ask for more from us. This Companion Deck is gonna rock your gaming world, I promise.

Stretch Goal 2: Foil & Spot Gloss. We have such great plans for how to utilize these enhancements this time around, and have buit that into the core of our design choices.  And also, this time we have secured a printing company that has the capability to bring it all to life in an extremely classy-looking end product. SO PSYCHED.

Stretch Goal 3: The Espionage Companion Deck. There's a reason why this Companion got bumped so far to the front of the line. I hopefully have a big announcement to make about this Companion Deck, & I just can't quite open my mouth yet. Stay tuned & keep your fingers crossed, cause this is a big one. Let's end it there. More amazing stuff has hapeened even while trying to pull this email together.

Last thing: As all of you from our previeous campaign can attest, I CAN'T POSSIBLY NOT finish a project update without a ridiculous and apropo GIF to commemorate...whatever. Here is your first; Willkommen, backers new and old, to our weird and wonderful world! This project has taken off like I don't know what. Kind of like this, a little:

Talk you you in like, 5 minutes,
